Biodrissa is the brand born from the ecological horticulture activity of Drissa Foundation. The products are transformed and commercialized in Biodrissa’s shops and workshops. We offer a wide range of foods such as ready to eat and takeaway salads and creams and Biodrissa juices made from fruits and vegetables using cold-pressed technology, which allows the preservation of nutrients of the juice during the extraction process.
Drissa collaborates with Fundació Alícia for the designing the menu. This latter has a catering line that is based on the concept of “healthful” and “local” products that come directly from organic farms and are cleaned in our workshop.
Biodrissa is a brand known for sustainability and is characterized for being environment friendly in its production and cultivation processes. The plastics that we use are both biodegradable and compostable, and the sugars and creams are polyethylene terephthalate, the most environmentally friendly on the market now. The transport is carried out in an electric van.

Visit our stores!

Botiga Biodrissa Barri Vell de Girona (C/Ciutadans 11).
Parada Biodrissa del Mercat del Lleó de Girona.